Category Archives: Sharing my thoughts

Article featured image showing business people sharing a pizza metaphorically referring to community shared moments

Mi mission es su mission: on Community Building to drive change

Siloed accountability for organization-wide imperatives I’ve been carrying the word ‘digital’ in my job title for many years already — what a sadistic little b*tch for a word! I can recall countless moments when all heads and torsos turned to me the moment this word popped up in a meeting. If your job title carries a word…

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Article featured image showing the word opinion in typewriter input heads.

Politically Incorrect Me: What I learned from being disliked in Social Media – and I’m thankful, not sorry.

PART 1 – From Facebook to the Police Station Some weeks ago I was doing my usual Facebook feeds reading as I made my way home from work. ‘Terrorism’ was the common denominator in a series of posts, which triggered an unpleasant emotional response in me. That’s when I decided to impulsively react to Facebook’s ‘What’s…

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